Peptidoglycans, 188, 307
biosynthesis of, 324
lysis by lysozymes, 193
penicillin and, 192
Peptidylglycine, 895
Peptidyl (P) site, 576
Peptidyl (P) site (tRNA binding site), 577
Perforin, 808
Periodate reaction, 139
Periodic acid-Schiff staining,
se e
PAS staining
Permanent cells, 179
Pernicious anemia, 204, 921
Peroxidase, 108, 336
Peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor-y2, 517
Peroxisomes, 372
Pertussis toxin, 223
PFK-1, 229
allosteric activators of, 229
inactivators of, 229
inorganic phosphate, 229
PFK-2, 281
PGE, , 714
PGF, 714
pH effect on enzyme activity, 87
174, 35
Phage DNA, 551
Phage À, 598
Phage systems, 598
Phage T4, 551
Phage T4, 598, 599
Phage T7, 598, 599
Phagocytic cells, 304
Phagocytic oxidase, 271
Phagocytosis, 187, 271,304
Phagocytosis and the pentose phosphate
pathway, 304
Phagolysosome, 304
Phagosome, 187, 304
Phalloidin, 480
Pharmacogenomics, 542
Phenanthridium derivatives, 553
Phénobarbital, 335
Phenolic hydroxyl group, 25
Phenotypic sex, 781
Phenylalanine, 20, 214, 279, 331,333, 356
Phenylalanine-deficient CFTR protein, 221
Phenylbutyrate, 222
Phenylethanol amine-N-methyltransferase
(PNMT), 756
Phenylisothiocyanate (PITC; Edman’s
reagent), 43
Phenylketonuria (PKU), 20, 146, 352, 353,
358, 535
Phenytoin, 335
Pheochromocytomas, 512, 767
Pheromones, 699
Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome, 610
Phorbol esters, 271
8 6
Phosphatase activity, 720
Phosphatase-1, 290
Phosphatase-2B, 290
Phosphate dehydrogenase, 235
Phosphates, 676
Phosphatidylcholine, 217
hydrolysis of, 217
Phosphatidylcholines (lecithins), 201,401
synthesis of, 402
Phosphatidylethanolamines (cephalins),
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG), 217, 409
Phosphatidylinositol (PI), 217, 409
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, 719
Phosphatidylinositol and Ca2+ pathway
activation, 738
phosphatidyIinositol-3-kinase, 494
Phosphatidylserine, 217
(PAPS), 354
Phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate (PAPS,
“active sulfate”), 108
(PAPS), 323
Phosphoanhydride bonds, 257
Phosphocreatine, 349
Phosphocreatine shuttle, 471,472
Phosphocreatine synthesis, 12
2-phospho-D-glycerate hydrolyase, 232
Phosphodiester group, 522
structure, 522
Phosphoenolpyruvate, 232, 277
-phosphofructokinase, 229
-kinase (PFK-1
), 280
-phosphofructokinase deficiency, 235
Phosphofructokinase deficiency, 303
Phosphoglucomutase, 283, 286
-phosphogluconate, 300
-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, 300
6-phosphoglucono-<5-Iactone, 300
-phosphogluconolactonase, 300
Phosphoglycerate mutase, 231
Phosphogiycerides, 390
Phospholamban, 466
Phospholipase, 202
Phospholipase A
, 127, 217, 756
Phospholipids, 248, 401
Phosphoric acid (H
), 7
dissociable protons,
Phosphorus, 873,
8 8 8
Phosphorylase, 289
Phosphorylase a, 382
Phosphorylase kinase, 287-289
Phosphorylation of ADP From
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate, 231
Phosphorylation of fructose-
Phosphosphingolipids, 406
3-phosphoglycerate, 230
Phosphorylated PPARy2, 516
Photereactivation, 557
Photo-oxidation, 156
P h o to iso m e rs o f b iliru b in ,
Photolyase, 557
Photophobia, 361
P h y sa ru m p o lycep h a lu m ,
Physical properties of water, 2
Phytanic acid, 374
Phytates, 676
Pi (protease inhibitor), 582
Pick’s disease, 62
Piericidin A, 253
Pigment stones, 201
P ili to rti,
PiMM, 582
Pimobendan, 475
Ping-pong reactions, 92
Piperacillin, 327
Pituitary, 729
Pituitary and thyroid adenomas, 604
Pituitary gland (hypophysis), 736
PIVKA, 863
PiZZ, 582
PiSS, 582
PK, 235
Placental, 702
Placental lactogen (hPL), 722, 737
Placental steroids, 793
Plasma, 121
Plasma cholesterol, 149
Plasma exchange, 170
Plasma iron transport, 679
Plasma membranes, 159
Plasma specific enzymes, 121
Plasma transferrin, 676, 680
Plasmid DNA, 526
Plasmids, 546
Plasmin, 433
Plasminogen, 433, 846
activation, 859
Plasminogen activator(s), 864,
8 6 8
, 869
8 6 8
Plasmodium falciparum, 669
P la sm o d iu m kn ow lesi,
P la sm o d iu m vivax,
Platelet count,
8 6 6
Platelet factor (PF4), 184
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), 445
Platelets, 331
/3-pleated sheet structure, 55
/S-pleated sheets, 51
Pleiotropism, 188
Plicamycin, 553
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